The Mad, Mad Man

(Universal Studios)

(Universal Studios)

Victor Frankenstein’s life is told over the course of Frankenstein. Victor was of Swiss descent, and he spent most of his childhood studying the ancient philosophies of old alchemists. These studies become problematic when Frankenstein continues his education at Ignolstadt. The amateur scientist is opened up to a world of modern science, and he is able to dive more into the new technologies of scientific advancement. Frankenstein forms a bond with science, and becomes obsessed with the idea of new life. Victor Frankenstein’s mother passed away shortly before he left for the university. This significant loss in Victor’s life leaves his dazed and emptiness is left in his soul; therefore, Victor seeks to create the unthinkable. Not only does Frankenstein want to fill the void of his mother’s death with a creation of life, he also wants fame. In Chapter four, Victor suggests, “A new species would bless me as its creator and source; many happy and excellent natures would owe their being to me (Shelley 40).” Frankenstein’s scientific fascination takes over him, leading him down his path of success. The creature was successfully completed. Frankenstein, however, was blindsided by the repercussions he would eventually endure.

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